I was going through some of my older writings and came across this.
In the beginning there was space. A large place, that could have been filled with anything. But this place wasn't just filled with anything, this place was being written with hopes and dreams, knowledge and truth. The Creator of this place filled it with endless possibilities. He placed two beings to live there and take care of it. In return for doing this these beings could take part in any of the possibilities that this place could offer, except one, which if the two did take part in there would be grave consequences. The two beings loved it there. They ran and played; they loved each other and the Creator for giving them all of this. One day another, greater, being came to visit them, but this being was filled with lies and anger towards the Creator. He came to the two and convinced them to take part in the possibility that the Creator had forbidden. After they had some this the Creator, already knowing what had happened, came looking for the two; He was very disappointed in them . The creator told them that because they had done this they could no longer take part in the possibilities that the place had to offer anymore, and that they had to leave. When the two heard this they were very sad. They begged and pleaded and the creator had compassion on them, but because He had already made the promise there was nothing that He could do to keep them in that place. However, He did create one possibility to give to them, a hope for the future. The Creator told the two about this hope and the two were very happy, but at the same time the Creator was very sad. The two didn't know why, they thought that it was because of what they had done, but before they could find out they had to leave the place. Many years later the two became four, four became ten, and ten became many. The many were still holding on to the hope that the Creator left them with. The many thought that the Creator would come and give them back the place that they had to leave. This whole time the many were watching for the Creator, and one day He came. Not with singing and praise, but with pain and crying. He didn't come as a Creator but as one of the many. He was no different then them, He lived, and worked, and played like the many. He loved, laughed, and cried like the many. But there was something off about this one, it wasn't that He was wrong in anyway, it was that He was a little to right. This made some of the many mad, and they wanted to do away with Him and wanted to have Him killed. These many plotted to have Him killed.Then, on a day that was calm and sunny, a day that the wind blew softly through the trees, a day that reminded angels that they were angels, it was on a day like this that the many killed the Creator, they slayed the Creator. For a few of the many they thought that all hope was lost, but the creator knew what was in the hearts of the created. In fact He planned on it, because this was no the end, no it was only the start. You see, when the Creator died He took death with Him and destroyed it. Death was the very thing that took away possibilities from the many, took away hope and truth, love and joy and the Creator in killing death gave all these things back. After dying the Creator came back to the many to tall them what He had done: The many, wanted the Creator to come back to give them the place back, but when He didn't give it back that got mad and killed Him. what they didn't know was that the place they were wanting so badly wasn't important; it wasn't about the place, it was about the possibilities, and that is what the creator had given them again. You see, because in the beginning there was space. a large place that could have been filled with anything. this place was being written on like a book, written with hopes and dreams, knowledge and truth. The Creator of this place filled it with endless Possibilities...