
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Battery that Keeps Going and Going and Going

So I am definitely find out a concept called recharging (by that I mean taking time out for yourself to get back energy and letting God pour back His love and grace back into you when you have been drained or are close to being drained). In the past week I have been going non-stop and have been in so many spiritual conversations with people that I got so tired, it made me so bored I was finding any reason to escape the ordinary. The other effect it had on me was that I got so tired that I wouldn't even want to add to a conversation, we had a conversation in the class that I didn't agree with and I didn't say anything (which for anyone who knows me knows that is not me) and my excuse was that I didn't think that given the group that my views would be different then theirs (again for anyone who knows me they know that I don't really care, usually).

Then I talked with one of the staff here and we got talking about how you need to have time to yourself and rest (whatever that means for you whether it is reading a book or going to the movies or whatever). So I got this book on postmodern evangelism and have been reading through it and I must say that it is great to feel the life of God come back to you. It is really a great thing to be able to see God speaking through you and using you again

So I would say go out and find yourself a good book or something and really take the time to let God pour into your life and see what God has in store for you.

In Christ

P.S. The book I was reading is called “More Ready Then You Realize (Evangelism as Dance in the Postmodern Matrix) by: Brian D. McLaren if anyone cares”

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