
Saturday, April 22, 2006

I found this in my computer as I was looking for material to teach with and thought that it was interesting. Last year I took a class on world views in which we read a book called “The Universe Next Door”. As we were going through that book I took the questions and tried to answer them based on my world view.

  1. What is prime reality-the really real? God exists and created the world. He is omniscient, omnipresent, and ultimately personal longing for a relationship with you.
  1. What is the nature of external reality, that is the world around us? Man sinned and broke the relationship with God. So God had to send His one and only son to save man from eternal damn-nation if a person decides to have a personal relationship. Jesus is the only way to God but the way that Jesus gets you to God may look very different from what someone else's spiritual life looks like, no two faith's look alike.
  1. What is a human being? A human being is created to serve and glorify God, by doing His will which is communicated through the Holy Spirit.
  1. What happens to a person at death? A person at death goes one of two places. A person goes to heaven if they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If a person does not have that relationship he can only go to hell.
  1. Why is it possible to know anything at all? God created man back in the garden of Eden where He breathed His life into humans and in doing that imparted characteristics of Himself into us, including reason and logic.
  1. How do we know what is right and wrong? God gave us a plumb line with the Bible, which is the start of all morals. Any person who relays on himself to come up with his own morals will come up short and his morals will be based more on the situation that he is facing at that moment more then on any firm foundation.
  1. What is the meaning of human history? To show us were we came from, how we got here, and to lead us in an deeper understanding of God through the Bible and human recorded history

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