
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Last Few Days

So the last few days have been interesting. On Sunday Ruth was having stomach pains all day, and on Monday they were still there. So I left work on Monday at 11:30 to take her to urgent care. When she had been seen and a doctor came and spoke with her they sent us to the emergency room. once we were there we spent the next 14 hours there, where they told us that she had appendicitis and she had to have surgery. On Tuesday I spent the day with her, sleeping and studying. and then yesterday her mom came in from Wisconsin and is here for the next week. Ruth is doing fine, she is staying with us for the next week or so along with her mom. All of which forces me to sleep in the pink scrapbook room. Let me tell you pink is not a calming color, it is the color of deep unbridled discomfort. So that is the last few days in a nutshell.


Nyssa said...

Awe..I'm praying for both of you! How trying!! I'm so glad she's doing okay tho!!

Ruthie said...

Hey, I never aid thank you for being there with me. Thank you.