
Thursday, February 28, 2008


I have a friend who always says "God doesn't call the equipped but equips those He calls". She was a girl I went to school with and over the past week or so I have been thinking about that phrase in light of some leaders in the Bible. There are many great leaders in the Bible and a few leaders that aren't so good. One thing that I have noticed about all the great leaders in the Bible is you could put "just" in front of all of them, David was just a shepherd, the prophets were all just simple men, Paul was a murderer. None of them had anything that they could really offer the positions that they were called to hold. It is because of that fact that they had to rely on God and His power to make it through, like Paul said in my weakness God is able to show His strength (II Corinthians 12:9 paraphrase).

On the other hand we can look at people how are, at least in the worlds eyes, equipped for the job. Take Saul for instance, the Bible says that he was a head taller then all other men, he came from a family of means, he impressed the nation of Israel. If anyone should have been able to rule the nation it should have been him but instead he starts to rely on his own strength and what he could do instead of what God could do and for that Saul was taken out of leadership by God.

God doesn't look for those who would be perfect for a task, He really isn't going to be looking for the person who is competent for a task, all He is going to be looking for is a person who is going to rely on him to get through the day because in that persons weakness God will get the opportunity to show His strength.

P.S. The picture of the swiss army knife is an actual knife, it runs about $1000 or so. Check it out here

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