
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Late to Rant

The post that I am about to make is not a new one, in fact my friend Matt showed it to me a while ago. I found this church (a term I use loosely with these people) while I was doing a little research for my last post about people killing God. The church called Westboro Baptist church and is led by a Fred Phelps believe that the reason that we are at war and anything bad happens to America is because God is punishing us like Sodom and Gomorrah. These people profess to know the word and follow it but there actions speak otherwise, the head pastor has been arrested for contempt of court, assault , battery, etc. The group, which is made up of anywhere between 70 and 150 members all loosely related to one another, has started several offensive sites all starting with the phrase god hates (America, Mexico, Sweden. Yeah that's right the swedes, the people who give us Swiss clocks, Swiss chocolates, and Swiss army knives). This is not a group of people who are displaying the fruit of the Holy Spirit of which is Love, Kindness, and Self-control. For more on some of their less then sanctified acts watch this video.


Monique said...

I've watched tv specials and read articles about this group. They break my heart.

Anonymous said...

Honestly. You cannot be filled with the Spirit and hate the Swedes.